Friday, 26 September 2008

Coz I am so Bitter

I have issues with Kate Nash but
I love this video..


When the first cup of coffee tastes like washing up

Ireland got bored of rain so instead it gave me 5 days of sunshine. I went for an adventure in baltimore with Eoin. We made jelly tot burgers and ate them by the sea. I took some lovely pictures of flowers. He took photos of me in tiny doorways and I took some of him in bushes. Then we sang some lovely songs and he played his lovely guitar. Then I went home.

Eoin wont eat strawberries coz he is silly...

This is a picture of my boudoir
Mini doorways

.Mermaid shoes
Rosa Salvage

Sometimes the world is simply lovely

Toni Frissell

Oh hai new best frend

Oh Hai future wardrobe! (the snail and the cyclops! your blog is lovely)

Oh Hai Daisy Lowe, lets swap bodies :-)

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Through a chink too wide there comes in no wonder

Monday, 22 September 2008

True Love

My shoes say "True Love"
I love them because they are gold and have cork heels, perfectly tacky!

But today was a beautiful day so I took my tacky shoes for a little walk and took some photos

These are I few of my favourite things

I miss the boyfriend
He's the only accessorie that goes with all my outfits

Sunday, 21 September 2008

Toast by Post

I wish this was in my budget :-( (or that anything was for that matter....)

I want to live in a Toast photo shoot!

Rosa Salvaje

designed by