- the feeling of unglazed pottery
- the sound of ice lollies touching
- when dough drys on my hand
- strapless things with bras
- when glasses smell funny inside
- the feeling of unwashed teeth
- boys that cant pick you up
- people who shuffle in flip flops
- losing things
- Stephen King novels
- When my brother says "You dont find it funny because you dont understand it"
(maybe its just not funny?...)
- red patches on my knees when Iv had my legs crossed
- lying on a matress with no sheets
- megavideo
- living with other people
- the sound of ice lollies touching
- when dough drys on my hand
- strapless things with bras
- when glasses smell funny inside
- the feeling of unwashed teeth
- boys that cant pick you up
- people who shuffle in flip flops
- losing things
- Stephen King novels
- When my brother says "You dont find it funny because you dont understand it"
(maybe its just not funny?...)
- red patches on my knees when Iv had my legs crossed
- lying on a matress with no sheets
- megavideo
- living with other people
Which is you favourite pony with extensions?...
Those are wild! I can't pick a favorite.
jeez i really hate megavideo
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